Document, Communication & Print Management & Associated goods & services



This framework is for the provision of the agreement of Document, Communication & Print Management, which comprises of 5 Lots, as listed below:
Lot 1 Document Management - This lot includes a comprehensive range of document management services to include but not limited to Document Storage, scanning, and secure destruction of records.
Lot 2 Communications tools - This lot presents the integration of solutions that is supported by secure and resourceful processes. Tools that assist mailing and document processing tasks that integrate communication with a mixture of traditional systems and innovative ones. The service and tools should provide an efficient, secure, free of error, convenient, and cost-effective method to manage communications via various modes available to the Participating Authorities.
Lot 3 External Print Solution - This lot will cover the external printing solutions to include letterhead, leaflets and other design and digital and/or physical printing requirement of the Participating Authorities.
Lot 4 Print Management - This lot presents a comprehensive solution to optimise printing infrastructure, streamline workflows and reduce costs. This gives Participating Authorities the opportunity to outsource the management of their printing devices while benefitting from expert support and guidance in print management.
Lot 5 Aggregation of lot option (1-4) -  For Participating Authorities that have a requirement for more than one lot, out of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 wishes to run a competitive exercise for a sole award.



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