Flexible Open Framework for the Provision of Supported Living Services
- Health and social work services
- tender
Submission Deadline
1 week from now
4 weeks ago
Derby City Council seeks to create a Flexible Open Framework for the provision of Supported Living Services under the Light Touch Regime of the Contract Regulations 2015, for adults and young people aged 16+ with eligible assessed needs within their own accommodation. This Framework will replace the current Derby City Support and Accommodation Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS). Bidders may apply for one or more of the following Lots: • Lot 1- Low Needs • Lot 2 - Medium Needs • Lot 3 - High Needs There will be no minimum or maximum number of Service Providers that may be successful in each Lot, and no limit on the number of Lots Bidders can be successful in. The Council reserves the right to open a Lot or Lots and run an open competitive tendering process to replace existing Framework Service Provider due to failure/poor performance/material breaches etc. There will also be the option of opening up a Lot or Lots to add additional Service Providers where there are capacity issues or a lack of service provision in a specialism, support model or service model within that Lot. The Council reserves the right to add a Lot or Lots for additional service requirements and run an open competitive tendering process to award Bidders onto the Lot/s. Bidders may submit bids for additional lot(s) throughout the life of the Framework as and when the Framework is reopened. Bidders must have the appropriate registration with the health and social care regulator for England, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for the delivery of the regulated activity of personal care to apply. Service Providers will be required to demonstrate competence to deliver the Service to Customers on an individual basis based on their social care assessed needs and preferences, including demonstration of skills and experience required. Bidders, submitting responses that include Service Models for accommodation (Settings) under any LOT, will be required to registered with Decent and Safe Homes (DASH) Derby City Council Accreditation Scheme (DASH) and subsequently accredited, prior to delivering any Support within this Framework. Those Service Providers with existing Customers in Settings via the current DPS must commit to this requirement to be successful and agree to having their Current Settings accredited within 12 months of the commencement of the Framework. Settings may be located within the Derby City area, which is defined as within Derby City or a 10 mile radius of Derby City boundaries. To Clarify, only Bidders submitting responses to delivery the 'Outreach' Service Model under any LOT will not be required to meet the DASH accreditation standard. Bidders will be grouped into Service categories according to their Service Models at each Setting (if applicable) and Customer specialisms indicated in their submission for each Lot. Partner organisations such as Derbyshire County Council, Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council (referred to as D2N2), Integrated Care Board (ICB) and NHS organisations within the D2N2 area and Derby Homes may access the Framework and use the 'Call Off' arrangements, under their own individual terms and conditions.
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