South Sudan Health Pool Fund Phase 3 - Interim Contract
- Foreign economic-aid-related services
- award
Submission Deadline
6 months ago
1 month ago
This contract was awarded using the Negotiated Procedure without Prior Publication under Regulation 32(2)(c). This was required for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseeable by the contracting authority whereby the time limits for the open or restricted procedures or competitive procedures with negotiation cannot be complied with. The urgency arose due to: a) the severe financial distress, and subsequent insolvency, of the previous supplier of the relevant services for reasons which were beyond the control of the contracting authority and without sufficient prior notice as to allow for an open, restricted competitive procurement process to be run; and b) the criticality of service delivery to vulnerable people where a delay / gap in service provision may result in loss of life. Given these circumstances, the award of an interim short term contract to maintain continuity of service was considered to be justified with the expectation that any follow on services after expiry of this contract will be subject to competition. The new contract started in August 2024 to cover the final close out.
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