Procurement of Electro-Magnetic Counter small Uncrewed Air System Defeat and/or Detect systems (and associated systems)



The Dismounted Close Combat (DCC) Team, part of the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) has awarded a multi-product, multi-supplier Framework Agreement contract for the procurement of Counter-uncrewed Air Systems (C-uAS), specifically Electro-Magnetic DETECT and/or DEFEAT (EMDaD) capabilities and associated equipment, for use by the Dismounted Close Combat Soldier. The estimated total Framework value is up to £38.75M ex-VAT across multiple suppliers throughout the 7-year duration of the Framework. 

Following award of the Framework Agreement, the Authority's intention is to seek technical data for the proposed products from the supplier. The Authority shall then call forward the physical product for trials and assessment to be carried out by the Authority or a third party on their behalf. The Authority will only procure products that have been tested and meet the specified requirement. 

Separate to the requirement above, (Subject to another Contract Notice) the Authority's intention is to place a service contract with a single UK based supplier under the Freedom of Action following a competition. This service contract will allow the supplier to undertake trials and assessment activities for all equipment procured under the framework on the Authority's behalf. 

The Cyber Risk Level associated with this project has been assessed as Very Low. Risk Assessment Reference: RAR-240321A02




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