T0631 Development of new Lead Safety Indicators
- Development consultancy services
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Submission Deadline
4 months ago
2 months ago
Task 1: Assess evidence and produce list of potential indicators This task must: Establish what is good practice with regards to LSIs in the domain of road safety and with relevance to road networks like the SRN. Produce a balanced and evidence-based initial list of potential indicators with strong links to casualty reduction in the context of the SRN. This list needs to reflect our needs to forecast and influence KPI1 and monitor intermediate outcomes of our Road to Zero Harm roadmap. There must be a clear rationale for including each indicator that reflects the criteria listed in section 110.1. The consultant is to propose the method they consider best for completing this task, as well as the rationale for why this is the best method. However, it is anticipated that this will involve a combination of literature review (including previous reports commissioned by National Highways and other grey literature) and consultation with a range of road authorities and experts, including subject matter experts within National Highways. The literature review needs to be well targeted but does not need to be extensive. It is anticipated that the consultation will produce additional grey literature for review. A member of the National Highways project team should be involved in each discussion and will support setting up internal meetings. The inception meeting and project meetings should be used to agree who is going to be consulted and to finalise agreement of search terms and literature to be reviewed, ensure we are working from the most recent version of any relevant documents (e.g. Performance Specification Principles for Metrics) as well as any logistical matters. The consultant should allow for potential changes to e.g. the Performance Specification Principles and include mitigation measures to ensure that we are always working with the most up to date version. If appropriate, the Principal Analytical Business Partner responsible for RIS 3 performance specifications will be included in project meetings to ensure close alignment. Task 2: Assess and shortlist the indicators This task must establish the following information for each potential indicator: - Strength and nature of their relationship to lagging indicators (KPI1 and associated PIs). - Mechanism through which National Highways' activity influences performance against these indicators, or robust reason why we need to track this indicator (e.g. informs forecasting and target setting). - Whether any of these exist already in NH or how easily can they be implemented and what we would need to consider in implementation/ embedment. This should consider how we can best capitalise on data sources National Highways already has access to in-house (or may soon have access to, e.g. via our future compliance technologies project which may enable the capability to monitor mobile phone and seatbelt use). - How they rank against National Highways' Performance Specification Principles for Metrics. - Wh
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