Merchant Acquiring Services, Equipment and Payment Gateway Service Agreement
- Banking and investment services
- award
- contract
2 months ago
TfGM in August 2017, following a Call-Off against Crown Commercial Services RM3702 Merchant Acquiring Services Lot 3 (Merchant Acquiring Services, Equipment and Payment Gateway Services) awarded a contract (with amendment by variation forms dated 19 February 2019, 30 September 2020, 1 December 2021) to Barclays Bank PLC (Trading as Barclaycard Payment Acceptance) to provide TfGM with Merchant Acquiring Services, Equipment and Payment Gateway services to process bankcard transactions at Travelshops, Ticket Vending Machines, Platform Validators (Model 2 Transit contactless bankcard Pay as you Go), e-commerce and other payment channels. A Prior Information Notice (PIN) has been issued by TfGM in relation to the procurement of a Merchant Acquirer Service. This notice sets out the anticipated scope of the Merchant Acquirer service as a replacement to TfGMs current Merchant Acquiring Services Agreement and the proposed timing of the procurement. It is anticipated that the proposed procurement will follow the Open Procedure and issue of a call-for competition during 2025. A copy of this notice may be accessed on Contracts Finder by activating the following link: <Insert link to the contract finder reference> While TfGM are proposing to initiate procurement of a new Merchant Acquirer Agreement, it is considered necessary to extend the term of TfGM’s current Merchant Acquiring Services, Equipment and Payment Gateway Service Agreement with Barclays Bank PLC (Trading as Barclaycard Payment Acceptance) agreement until 30th June 2027. This notice provides transparency around the reasons for this single source requirement. The decision to enter into a new contract with Barclays Bank PLC (Trading as Barclaycard Payment Acceptance) is necessary for the following reasons: • Although TfGM has initiated a procurement exercise for a Merchant Acquirer Agreement, any transitional arrangements that may be required in order to on-board the new service is likely to need to be progressed in tranches so as to minimise the impact on customer experience and service before, during and after transition to a new contract. Transitional arrangements will need to reflect that the services in question are complex and require the protection of consumer bankcard data and as a consequence are highly regulated. Maintaining the current Merchant Acquiring Services, Equipment and Payment Gateway Service Agreement until 30th June 2027 will enable Tenderers that are participating in the new Merchant Acquirer Service Agreement to consider a phased approach to the implementation of their services; • TfGM is committed to implement a Rail pilot scheme that is expected to require initiation before the current Merchant Acquiring Services Agreement expires and would require migration to the new Merchant Acquirer Agreement, once awarded. To minimise the impact on customer experience and service, TfGM proposes that its Rail pilot scheme in Greater Manchester continue to be supported by the current Merchant Acquiring Services, Equipment and Payment Gateway Service Agreement until the new Merchant Acquirer Service Agreement is in place from March 2027. A change in the supplier of this service at this stage would cause significant disruption and cannot be made for economic and technical reasons, as there is a significant risk of disruption to the operation of light rail, bus and Rail pilot services in Greater Manchester, including the risk of disrupting the customer experience and service to the travelling public.
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