ID 5511315 - DoJ NIPS - Supply and Delivery of Mattresses
- Mattresses
- award
- contract
1 month ago
The Northern Ireland Prison Service (NIPS) is an Executive agency of the Department of Justice NI (DOJNI) and is responsible for the management of His Majesty's Prisons in Northern Ireland. The Prison Service operates under the control of the Department of Justice for Northern Ireland. It is governed by the Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 and the Prison and Young Offenders Rules (Northern Ireland) 1995. There are three Prisons in Northern Ireland, which comprise of Maghaberry and Magilligan, accommodating adult male prisoners, and Hydebank Wood College, which accommodates both male and female students. The Northern Ireland Prison Service wishes to establish a contract for the supply and delivery of mattresses for prison cells. Further information on the requirements can be found within the Specification. The contract is for a period of five (5) years with options to extend beyond this time for any period or periods up to and including an additional 60 months.
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