- Health and social work services
- award
- contract
2 months ago
The Rapid Support Service (RSS), is a short-term reabling domiciliary service offering timely support for individuals who may have an eligible Care Act need. These individuals may need support following discharge from a hospital setting or a short-term service to their own home or may require support to prevent the need for a hospital admission, thereby supporting flow and effective management within the wider system. The service may be used whilst a long-term package of care is being sourced via brokerage, to bridge a package of care until the existing provider has capacity to restart the package following a hospital admission, to provide an assessment period to enable a full Care Act assessment (this may be in addition to an existing package of care) or to prevent a hospital admission. All individuals discharged into this service will be followed up by a member of Hampshire County Council's Reablement or Social care team. The Live in Care - Short Term Service Model provides an effective, flexible and responsive approach to support with discharge from the acute and community hospitals and their surrounding hospital systems in the North East of the County. The service may be used whilst a long-term package of care is being sourced via brokerage, to provide an assessment period to enable a full Care Act assessment (this may be in addition to an existing package of care) or to prevent a hospital admission. All service users discharged into this service will be followed up by a Hampshire County Council member of staff. The service has been divided into 7 lotted contracts with the annual value of each contract shown in the tender documents available at For further information regarding the geographical areas covered by each lotted contract, please refer to the Specifications. The estimated total value which covers all Lots is £21,528,000. Please see tender documents for a breakdown of value associated to each lot and maximum amount of Lots any one provider may be awarded.
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