Community Funeral Service
- Funeral and related services
- Funeral services
- Undertaking services
- award
- contract
2 months ago
Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust is seeking a single Supplier to provide Public Health Funeral Services for Adult Social Care Services. Salford City Council has a statutory obligation to carry out funeral arrangements for a person who dies in the community, within the borough of Salford, where there is no arrangement in place, or where the deceased does not have anybody willing or able to undertake the funeral arrangements. This statutory obligation is delegated from Salford City Council to the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust. The contract will also extend to arranging private funerals in circumstances where a suitable individual has been identified but there is a need to financially bridge the arrangements for the funeral whilst individuals access the estate or application/ award of DWP Funeral Expenses. The Authority cannot guarantee the number of funerals arranged each year however oversight of the previous contract volume is contained within the tender documents
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