CWC23071 Technical Support - Engineering for Energy from Waste Plant Framework
- Engineering-related scientific and technical services
- Technical services
- award
- contract
1 month ago
The Wolverhampton Energy from Waste (EFW) plant is owned by the council, and came back into council operation in February 2023 following a 25 year Operate & Maintain (O&M) contract operation by a third party contractor. The plant was refurbished in the 1990’s prior to the commencement of the 25 year O&M contract which ceased in February 2023. Availability of the plant is largely good, although there are on occasion unplanned outages. As operation and maintenance of EfW plants is highly technical, the council is seeking to develop a call off framework with suppliers who can assist it with specialist technical engineering support and advice as and when required. The suppliers included on the framework shall have demonstrable experience of providing specialist engineering advice and support on Energy from Waste all areas including : Mechanical Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering. The Framework will be essentially a select list of service providers, which will allow for either Direct Awards or Further Competition. The intention is to appoint a maximum of 3 organisations onto the Framework. If more than 3 competent and experienced organisations submit a bid, then the 3 highest scoring bidders will be placed on the framework. The Framework Agreement will be in place for 4 Years. While there is no guarantee of any work coming from being on this framework. The Council have set an overall value of call offs from this Framework which will be up to £5 million.
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