RAAC Removal - Stanbury Hall






  • Erection and related works of roof frames and coverings


  • tender

Submission Deadline

5 days from now


2 months ago


The project consists of temporary over roofing of an existing building at the colleges Barnstaple campus, the removal of the existing roof
finishes and sundries and Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) structure by crane and installation of a replacement structure and roof finishes and sundries for Stanbury Hall, inclusive of associated temporary works, internal ceiling panels and decorative timber panelling and lighting which appear fixed to the existing structure and any making good to the external and internal structure, finishes, services and drainage. The works will also include replacement of the rainwater downpipes and connection to the existing below ground drainage system as well as repairs to the reinforced concrete ring beam and installation of a new metal fascia around the perimeter. Full details of the required works and also the relevant application details can be found in the documents provided via the following link: 




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DPS for Energy Efficiency & Decarbonisation Retrofit Works, Services & Supplies

ASW is creating a DPS for the Provision of Energy Efficiency & Decarbonisation Retrofit Works, Services and Supplies for a period of ten years. This will be an approved list of companies that can carry out relevant works, services and supplies. The works, services and supplies that are covered by this DPS include: Fabric - including but not limited to the supply and supply & installation and provision of services for energy efficiency and decarbonisation of measures such as External Wall Insulation, Internal wall insulation, Cavity wall insulation, Cavity wall insulation extraction, Loft insulation, Floor insulation, Flat roof insulation, Windows (already have an ASW framework), Doors (already have an ASW framework), Roof replacement M&E - including but not limited to the supply and supply & installation and provision of services for energy efficiency and decarbonisation of measures such as Photovoltaics, Inverters for PV, Battery storage, Air source heat pump (already have ASW framework for supply), Ground source heat pump, Mechanical heat & ventilation recovery, Smart storage heating, Solar thermal water heating, Flue gas heat recovery system, Waste water heat recovery, EV charging, High performance hot water cylinders, Smart hub technologies for energy demand, Smart heating controls & data monitoring systems Emerging Technologies - emerging technologies that can contribute to the decarbonisation of domestic property will be added as categories on the DPS during its duration Whole House retrofit - including but not limited to supply & installation and provision of associated services for energy efficiency and decarbonisation of measures to upgrade a domestic property in one project (including associated works such as kitchen, bathroom upgrades) Provision of retrofit expertise - to include but not be limited to Retrofit assessors, designers and co-ordinators and other such technical expertise as may be required during the duration of the DPS Provision of surveying services - to include but not be limited to EPC assessment, Air tightness testing and other similar testing, Structural surveys and other similar surveys Ancillary building & external works - Works to facilitate retrofit including building works and external works As additional categories are added a notice update will be placed. The maximum spend on this DPS is £2bn but please note that this spend level is a very high headroom level and is in no way guaranteed. The initial set up of the DPS will be Round 1 in the www.advantageswtenders.co.uk ProActis system. The closing date for submissions for the initial setup is 10am on 26th September 2022.

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