Drug and Alcohol Community Service
- Health and social work services
- award
- contract
3 months ago
The Authority wishes to establish a Contract for the provision of Drug and Alcohol Services. The key requirements of the service are: A community-based adult substance use service responsive to identified local needs (to include, but not be limited to and according to emerging needs: alcohol, opiate, non-opiates,psychoactive substances, prescription and over the counter drugs as well as image andperformance enhancing drugs) which will provide both medical and psychosocialinterventions for harm reduction and recovery. (T2, T3 and providing access to T4 provisionfor adults and young people) Manage Shared Care provision in GP practices. Ensure specific provision for complex needs (including co-occurring mental health and substance use diagnosis). A holistic young peoples substance use service (for people up to the age of 25 years) with clear and seamless transitional arrangements. Support for families and carers of people using drugs and alcohol. Access to residential detoxification and rehabilitation and management of the placement budget. An effective and responsive outreach and harm reduction offer for all, whether in treatment or not, including direct delivery and pharmacy provision, naloxone programme, synthetic opioids preparedness and drug related death prevention. Manage pharmacy contract. Community pharmacists provide a service to dispense, support and monitor the consumption of opiate substitute treatment medication. And the pharmacy needle exchange programme, this service provides access to sterile needles and syringes, and a sharps container for the return of used equipment to promote safe injecting practice and reduce transmission of infections. A free programme of Drug and alcohol training and support for schools A free programme of training to support the wider workforce increase early identification and referrals into treatment, reduce stigmatisation and better understand the needs of this vulnerable group of people. Provide a blood borne virus programme ensuring hepatitis B vaccinations and hepatitis B and C screening are available to all entering or engaged with treatment services regardless of the presenting substance.
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