Framework Agreement for the Provision of Day Opportunities Round 3
- Health and social work services
- award
Submission Deadline
9 months ago
3 months ago
Nottinghamshire County Council (the Council) intends to expand on a new Framework Agreement for Day Opportunities, which has replaced the previous accredited list of day service Providers. The Framework Agreement is commissioned under the Light Touch Regime 74 -77 Public Contracts Regulations 2015. All Providers currently delivering or intending to deliver services detailed within the updated Specification (Part 3 - Specification) must apply to be on the new Framework Agreement. \r Day Opportunities are commonly referred to as day services or day service opportunities. A Day Opportunity is defined as a service or community activity provided for the purpose of delivering outcomes specified in an individual's support plan. Evidence suggests that the achievement of the outcomes can lead to increased independence and improved health and wellbeing for individuals.\r Providers who have already been successful in Round 1 or Round 2 of the Framework Agreement DO NOT need to bid for this Round 3.
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