PRN2399 HR Consultancy Pay and Reward Services





  • Public relations services
  • Public relations management services
  • Public relations consultancy services


  • award
  • contract


2 months ago


Choice Housing Ireland Ltd (the Group) wish to avail of the services of an experienced and competent Pay and Reward specialist to carry out a comprehensive review of our reward framework and to make recommendations for any required modifications to the current model.



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AHDB intend to procure a Contract to a successful Agency/Representative to work for AHDB by developing awareness of British beef, lamb and pork products in Belgium. Looking to deliver: To support this, AHDB requires the delivery of a comprehensive business development, marketing and communication plan, in both in the food service sector and in the retail sector . The plan should encompass: 1) A market map, identifying market volumes, key channels of distribution, key suppliers into that market and from where they source their products 2) A plan of brand marketing and business development activity to the audience of distributors, wholesalers, restauranteurs and retailers, encompassing innovative and efficient tools allowing regular contacts with these operators (newsletter, portable apps, receptions etc) .The objective is to strengthen the link of AHDB with key importers / wholesalers / retailer in the Belgian market. The plan of field marketing activities should involve the main English exporters, as well as importers and suppliers serving the Belgian market including those serving the market with UK lamb operating from France. The objective is to add value to beef, lamb and pork sales by product differentiation at point of sale. The initial contract is for 1 year with the option of 1+1 extensions. The successful agency/representative must be based or have a commercial office in Belgium. Indicative budget is £130k ex VAT per annum The closing date for this opportunity is NOON on the 22nd January 2025 The electronic address at which the Procurement Documents have been made directly available by AHDB by electronic means is This is AHDB's e-Sourcing portal.


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Term Extension of the National Highways Social Enterprise Dynamic Purchasing System (SEDPS)

National Highways is inviting organisations to apply to the Social Enterprise Dynamic Purchasing System (SEDPS) to provide Goods and/or Services to National Highways, our Supply Chain and other Government departments across England. The SEDPS is available to organisations with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit for shareholders and owners. If you are interested in applying to join the SEDPS or would like further information, please contact the National Highways Procurement Team at [email protected] or visit our webpage below. The SEDPS is open for use by all Government Agency and Public Bodies for the full duration of the SEDPS that are identified in the following link:, Local Authorities in England and Wales who are identified in following link:, Local Authorities in Scotland who are identified in the following link:, and Universities and educational providers who are identified in the following link: The SEDPS is also open for use by any organisations that directly (i.e. any organisation who has a live contract directly with National Highways) and indirectly (i.e. any organisations who has a live contract with a direct supplier of National Highways) provides works and/or goods and/or services to National Highways. If you are interested in using the SEDPS or would like further information, please contact the National Highways Procurement Team at [email protected]. The use of the SEDPS is to further National Highways' commitment to social value, in support of National Highways Social Value Plan. A link to the plan can be found below. The SEDPS launched on the 14th August 2023 for 3 years, with an expiry date of the 14th August 2026. The purpose of this notice is to inform the market that National Highways has extended the lifetime of the SEDPS for a further two years. The SEDPS will now expire on the 14th August 2028. Please contact the National Highways Procurement Team at [email protected] or visit our webpage below for more information.

National Highways

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