GMCA 930 - Employer Engagement and Essential Work Skills for Employed GM Residents (Test and Learn)
- Education and training services
- award
- contract
3 months ago
GMCA sought to procure a Workforce Development package of support and access to Essential Skills for Work, that truly meets the needs of Employers and their Workforce and provides an opportunity to build upon previous workforce development activities and genuinely test how skills provision can be delivered to a workforce, ensuring it is contextualised, meets the needs of employed residents and is funded more effectively. A key purpose of this commission is to support the wider development and preparation for a GM Adult Skills offer - GMs Skills for Life and Work. GMCA are keen to understand what works well for Greater Manchester businesses and residents and we can ensure the skills offer and delivery is fit for purpose. Therefore, Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is looked to procure a Workforce Development package of support aimed at helping Employers and their workforce by: - Raising awareness of the training support that is available, not only in specific occupational specialisms but the essential skills needed for the workplace. - Supporting employers and their workforce to understand their current and future training needs, so that their businesses have the skills and talent they need for resilience, productivity and growth. - Providing the right Essential Work Skills training provision that meets this need, in particular the feedback received as set out in the LSIP. - Signposting to other relevant Skills Provision, where applicable Part of GM's Adult Skills Programme, this commission will provide support to Employers with their Workforce Development needs, and also deliver tailored and contextualised Essential Work Skills (English, ESOL, Digital & Maths), where this is currently a gap in provision for Employers and their Workforce across Greater Manchester. GMCA want to ensure businesses are able to access the skills and talent they need, by providing high quality learning, and wrapping support around individuals, enabling them to realise their potential. For the purposes of this commission, when GMCA say Employed GM Residents we mean: - Residents in employment (including apprentices) - Self-employed residents - Volunteers and Unpaid Workers. The initial contract will run from October 2024 to 30th June 2026 with the option to extend on a +1 +1 basis until 30th June 2028. The contract value for the initial period is £4,460,000. Each 12 month extension has an additional value of £2,676,000, meaning the total contract value is up to £9,812,000. This opportunity was commissioned as a further competition/call off from the GMCA Education, Work and Skills Flexible Procurement System.
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