For the provision of Fund Investment Adviser, Operator and Administrator Services for the Evergreen, Evergreen 2 and Low Carbon Funds






  • Financial and insurance services


  • award

Submission Deadline

8 months ago


3 months ago


The Authorities have engaged GMCA to act as their delivery agent to manage the administrative aspects of this procurement process.  GMCA is not the procuring contracting authority for this procurement process and will not be party to any contract(s) entered into.\r
This tender has been divided into 2 lots:\r
a)	Lot 1 - the provision of the Services to the Evergreen and Evergreen 2 sub-funds; and\r
b)	Lot 2 - the provision of the Services to the Low Carbon sub-fund.\r
As explained in the contract notice, the scope of the Services may expand and / or contract over the term of the contract(s) to reflect changes to the funding that is made available. Such changes may include, in particular: \r
(a)	increases of up to a maximum 100% of the value of the funds that are made available to the Evergreen and Evergreen 2 and Low Carbon sub-funds (from ERDF funds and/or other funding sources).  The currently available funds are £60m for Evergreen, £60m for Evergreen 2 and £30m for Low Carbon.  An increase of up to 100% of the value of the sub-funds would take the sub-fund values up to a maximum amount of £120m for Evergreen and £120m for Evergreen 2; and £60m for Low Carbon\r
(b)	the reallocation of available funds between the Evergreen 2 and Low Carbon sub-funds (as appropriate) based on factors impacting the performance of the relevant sub-fund including, but not limited to, the successful Tenderer's performance and/or available pipeline. \r
Tenderers should ensure that they are capable of performing the expanded and / or contracted Services and that the pricing submission in the Tender for the Lot (to become the contractual pricing) will apply equally to any expanded and / or contracted scope (on a pro rata basis, where applicable).\r
The contractual terms\r
The contractual framework for the Services is provided with this ITT, in Annexes 2, 3 and 6.\r
Annex 2 - Services Specification contains the service specification for the Investment Adviser which will form Schedule 1 of each Investment Adviser and Operator Agreement (which will be identical for each contract, except as indicated in the spec All Tender documentation can be found at



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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