NHS England South East - Diabetic Eye Screening Programmes (DESP) across the South East
- Health services
- award
Submission Deadline
9 months ago
5 months ago
NHS England South East (NHSE) sought to commission a Provider(s) which have the capability and capacity to deliver Diabetic Eye Screening Programmes (DESP) across the South East region, in line with the specified requirements. The procurement was divided into 5 lots within the South East as follows: Lot 1: Kent and Medway (ICB footprint) Lot 2: Surrey Heartlands (ICB footprint) Lot 3: Hampshire and IOW (ICB footprint) Lot 4: Berkshire (Local Authority) and Frimley (ICB footprint) Lot 5: Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire (Local Authority footprint) Providers were able to bid for one or all Lots. Contracts are for a term of 5 years, with the option to extend for up to a further 3 years. Services are planned to commence from 1st April 2025. The eligible population includes patients over the age of 12 diagnosed with diabetes and registered with, or eligible to be registered with a GP, as well as individuals within prisons, secure units, and the armed forces. The aim of the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme is to reduce the risk of sight loss amongst people with diabetes by the prompt identification and effective treatment, if necessary, of sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy. This should be achieved by delivering an evidence-based service that: • focuses on improving uptake, reducing inequalities, and improving outcomes • is accessible across all service elements • is engaging, and integrated, working effectively with service users and stakeholders to ensure seamless and high-quality care • is safe, effective, and high quality, with robust processes along the pathway • embed a culture of quality, improvement, and learning • is well-led, managed, and staffed There are three key elements of service delivery, namely: • routine digital screening - from 2025 and 2026, all eligible patients are to be managed on 12- or 24-month intervals • Digital surveillance where more frequent screening of those individuals who may be at increased risk of developing diabetic retinopathy but have not reached the threshold to be referred into the Hospital Eye Services (HES), as required • Slit lamp bio-microscopy (SLB) for those individuals where normal photography is inappropriate (e.g., those having cataracts) Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) will be introduced into the programme across England in line with national guidance. The total contract values for the 5 year initial term were advertised as follows: Lot 1: Kent and Medway - £17,755,303 Lot 2: Surrey Heartlands - £8,084,825 Lot 3: Hampshire and IOW - £16,695,800 Lot 4: Berkshire and Frimley - £11,311,121 Lot 5: Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire - £9,927,015 This notice serves as an intention to award a contract under the competitive process of the Provider Selection Regime (PSR). This procurement has been carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners. Additional information: The decision to award this contract in line with the Competitive Process was based on evaluation against the basic selection criteria (in the form of a Selection Questionnaire), which was assessed on a pass/fail basis, the PSR 5 key criteria, plus staffing and mobilisation, which were assessed on a 0-4 scale, with the below weightings. Several tender questions were asked under each of the key criteria. - Quality and Innovation: 38% - Value: 5% - Integration, Collaboration and Service Sustainability: 19% - Improving Access, Reducing Health Inequalities, and Facilitating Choice: 15% - Social Value: 13% - Staffing and mobiliation: 10% The provider(s) selected for award have been chosen as they passed the basic selection criteria and were the highest scoring bidder overall, against the key criteria. After conducting a thorough Competitive Process, taking into account the key criteria and applying the basic selection criteria, NHS England South East is content that the provider's bids sufficiently met the key criteria and thus can proceed to contract award under the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. The evaluation panel consisted of representatives from NHS England South East, including Commissioning, Screening & Immunisations, Finance, Human Resources, and Nursing & Quality. Award decisions have been recommended by the Head of Public Health Commissioning for Hampshire & Thames Valley (NHSE SE), and the Senior Public Health Commissioning Manager (NHSE SE). Award decisions have been made by key members of the South East Regional Executive Team (SERET), namely, the South East Regional Director (also Chair) and the Regional Director of Commissioning for the South East. There were two potential declarations of conflict of interest made via the conflict of interest process and recorded accordingly; these were not decision makers. Conflicts were appropriately managed, with one personnel being removed from the process. The other conflict recorded, upon review, was not deemed as an actual (or perceived conflict). This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) intention to award notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award. The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill period. Representations by providers must be made to the relevant authority by Midnight Monday 21st October. This contract has not yet formally been awarded; this notice serves as an intention to award a contract under the competitive process of the PSR. This procurement has been carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners. Written representations should be sent to [email protected]
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