Public Health Community Nursing Services
- Health services
- award
- contract
4 months ago
*This is an Intention to Award Notice for a Direct Award C process under the Provider Selection Regime* Brighton and Hove City Council intend to award the contract for an existing service, namely the Public Health Community Nursing Services contract, to the existing provider for a period of up to 5 years (3 years plus potential extension of up to two years). The service consists of the Health Visiting Service and a School Nurse service whose combined offer covers ages 0-19 yrs. The services are provided in line with the national Healthy Child Programme model with universal, targeted and specialist levels provided according to the needs of babies, children and families. Health Visitors are based in the city's Family Hubs and work closely with the wider early help system and with community midwifery to provide integrated support. They deliver 5 nationally mandated reviews to all families with babies before their child reaches 2.5 years old and support with a range of health and wellbeing needs including infant feeding, child development and communication, safe sleeping, parent and child mental health. The School Nurse team provides a named school nurse for every maintained, academy and free school in the city delivering a range of health and wellbeing support and advice to children and young people, parents and carers. In primary schools the School Nurse team delivers vision and hearing screening and the National Child Measurement Programme. This decision has been made by full Cabinet at a meeting on 26th September 2024. This notice is now being published following the end of the call-in period. The standstill period begins on the date following publication of this notice. The name of the provider and address and the estimated lifetime contract value are detailed below. A statement explaining the relevant authority's reasons for selecting the existing provider with reference to the key criteria is included in this notice in Section VI. No conflicts of interest were declared.
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