Integrated Non-Custodial Healthcare Services to NHS England South West.
- Health services
- award
- contract
4 months ago
NHS England South West (NHSE) Health & Justice were seeking to re-commission Non-Custodial Services across the South West region. The following elements of offender health will form Integrated Non-Custodial Services: - Liaison and Diversion services. - Reconnect services. - Primary Mental Health Treatment Requirements. The procurement was divided into 5 lots and cover the Offices of Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) boundaries within the South West as follows: Lot 1: Avon and Somerset Lot 2: Devon and Cornwall Lot 3: Dorset Lot 4: Gloucestershire Lot 5: Wiltshire The service will ensure people receive seamless care and support irrelevant of where they are in the criminal justice system. Alignment of regional non-custodial contracts will provide an opportunity to drive an innovative way of working with all stakeholders to deliver an integrated non-custodial healthcare service for each of the five OPCC boundaries. It will allow consistency in patient outcomes and quality standards whilst providing the correct pathway to the individual demographic in the South West. The Contracts will be for a term of 7 years and services are planned to commence from 1st April 2025. Total financial envelopes (inclusive of mobilisation and improvement funding) as advertised: Lot 1 - £25,987,000 Lot 2 - £21,979,000 Lot 3 - £11,471,000 Lot 4 - £9,034,000 Lot 5 - £10,897,000 Financial envelopes (exclusive of mobilisation and improvement funding, for purposes of assessment, as advertised): Lot 1 - £25,357,000 Lot 2 - £21,447,000 Lot 3 - £11,205,000 Lot 4 - £8,824,000 Lot 5 - £10,645,000 This notice serves as an intention to award a contract under the competitive process of the Provider Selection Regime (PSR). This procurement has been carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners.
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