Cost Manager for the New Leighton Hospital
- Quantity surveying services
- award
- contract
4 months ago
Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (“MCHFT”) issued an Invitation to Tender ("ITT") in connection with the competitive procurement of Cost Manager Services for the New Leighton Hospital.<br/><br/>The purpose of this procurement exercise was to appoint a Cost Manager to provide services covering RIBA Stages 2 to 3. The appointment is through to completion of the Outline Business Case which is currently targeted as July 2025.<br/><br/>The project is currently concluding RIBA Stage 1 and is due to commence RIBA Stage 2 in June 2024. The appointed Cost Manager is expected to commence services in May 2024.<br/><br/>The Authority reserves the right to extend the contract for the appointment of the Cost Manager beyond RIBA stage 3 (including Outline Business Case delivery) without the need for a further procurement exercise. In exercising its discretion to extend, the Authority will consider the successful bidder’s performance up to the point it is considering any extension and whether any benefit to the overall programme to extending with the current supplier outweighs any potential benefit in carrying out a further procurement exercise.<br/><br/>Bidders were to note that the design may reach a fully complete RIBA stage 3 by the end of the Outline Business Case and therefore fees were to be based on this.<br/><br/>The Authority elected to follow the Open Procedure for this procurement exercise. For the avoidance of doubt, the form of the tender was conducted in accordance with the EC Treaty based principles of, inter alia, transparency, equal treatment and non-discrimination. Any organisation could have responded to the advertised Contract Notices, requested/downloaded the procurement documents, and submitted a tender. All tenders were evaluated in line with the methodology and criteria set out in the procurement documents.<br/><br/>This notice applies to Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust only and the Authority made use of the ATAMIS e-tendering Portal which can be found at ("the e-sourcing Portal").
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