Breast Reconstruction Surgery
- Health services
- award
Submission Deadline
4 months ago
4 months ago
The activity relates to carrying our surgery for patients who have been waiting for more than a year on the waiting list of 1 specific surgeon in the hospital. There is insuffiicient capacity in existing NHS core hours to carry out the surgery for these patients and so we are seeking additional capacity from outside of the NHS. The surgeon has practising privileges to operate privately at only one Independent Sector Provider - Spire. The advantages of ensuring the continuity of the surgeon is that the patient will not require to be reviewed as an outpatient and will not require diagnostic tests to be repeated - this saves both time and money, and is less demanding on the patient in terms of taking time out to attend repeat additional and avoidable outpatient attendances - which in some cases can also involve intrusive and unpleasant diagnostic investigations such taking of biopsies.
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