24019 RECAP Dry Mixed Recyclate Processing





  • Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services


  • award

Submission Deadline

3 months ago


1 week ago


The Cambridgeshire Waste Collection Authorities ("the Authorities") collect dry mixed recycling from domestic and commercial premises across Cambridgeshire. This tender is for the transportation/receipt, sorting and onward sale/re-processing of commingled dry recyclable materials.\r
The RECAP Councils have worked collaboratively for many years in the delivery of DMR across Cambridgeshire. That collaboration continues for this procurement. The procurement itself is being conducted as a single procurement, but with the award of contract being in the form of separate Lots, as described in more detail in the ITT. The Lots are presented as alternative Lots (by reference to size), to enable the Councils to seek the broadest possible market response. ?This means that an award will not be made for every Lot. This is described in more detail in 'Lotting Guidance' of the ITT.\r
The RECAP Councils will make the decision collectively as to which Lots to award and to which bidders. Following award, the ensuing contracts will either be concluded with an individual Council or a number of them, depending upon which Lots have been chosen as the best value for money. The number and size of the Lots has been determined to enable the Authorities to receive the maximum number of responses from the market taking account of the size of the different Lots and the needs of the different Authorities. Contractors should note that the Lots are presented in varied Lot Sizes which are to ensure processing capacity is secured for all RECAP Partners. The dry mixed recyclables will come from any one of the district and unitary authorities within the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area. This may mean that certain Lots will not have an award of contract made in respect of them, because better value alternatives exist in the award of alternative Lots. As a result, we would request that contractors bid for as many lots as they are interested in whilst also sharing the maximum capacity available at your MRF.\r
For the avoidance of doubt, bids are welcome from contractors who can provide one or more processing sites with capacity and can collect from transfer facilities expected to be within a 10 mile radius of each local authority in this procurement. These transfer locations are the subject of a separate procurement. There is a map in Appendix 5 showing the location of the depots. As such the Authorities welcome bids for any one or more or all the Lots available. Contractors are not limited in the number of Lots they are able to bid for, although the Authorities will carry out the assessment of Contractors' financial standing and technical ability by reference to the number of Lots bid for and which meet the Authorities selection criteria to enable a contract to be awarded in accordance with the provisions of this ITT. \r

Additional information: 
Potential Providers will need to register an account via the "Procontract Portal" at https://procontract.due-north.com/Register before being able to view the full tender details. In order to access the tender documentation, click "Find Opportunities", then on the drop-down menu, filter by "Cambridgeshire Public Services" by clicking on "Update" to find the relevant opportunity or alternatively within the organisations drop down select Cambridgeshire County Council to also find the relevant opportunity.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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