CEFAS24-89 Provision of an Automatic Cutting Machine







  • Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)


  • award

Submission Deadline

5 months ago


4 months ago


Cefas require a cutting machine to compliment a suite of cutting machines that contribute to the processing of over 60k otoliths annually. This machine will be mainly used for the sectioning of gadoid species sagittal otoliths embedded in epoxy resin. Due to the mean size of these otoliths Cefas uses a specialised mould different from other species, requiring a machine with increased table movement to capture all of the mould rows in use. Cefas requires any new machine to be versatile in the workpiece clamping/holding setup as occasionally other biological material will be sectioned dependant on active projects at the time.
Cefas require a cutting machine to compliment a suite of cutting machines that contribute to the processing of over 60k otoliths annually. This machine will be mainly used for the sectioning of gadoid species sagittal otoliths embedded in epoxy resin. Due to the mean size of these otoliths Cefas uses a specialised mould different from other species, requiring a machine with increased table movement to capture all of the mould rows in use. Cefas requires any new machine to be versatile in the workpiece clamping/holding setup as occasionally other biological material will be sectioned dependant on active projects at the time.

Scope of Requirements:

Cefas require a cutting machine that will produce top quality samples with precision accuracy. In order to reproduce the surface quality of otolith sections Cefas need to be able to replicate the cutting movement of the previous machine, therefore X, Y & Z-axis movement is necessary. Cefas are required to prepare samples from an expanding range of species from around the world. It is a requirement to develop new and innovative cutting methods in addition, to replicate protocols that are already in use by other institutes. These methods will enable Cefas to meet age determination validation requirements by producing clean, well defined annuli on sections which increases accuracy of reading for in-house readers and external QC partners. It is essential that the machine accommodates compatible discs that offer a high quality cut and that these discs are readily available.



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