North Northamptonshire Economic Growth Strategy 2025-2030





  • Research and development consultancy services


  • tenderAmendment

Submission Deadline

3 months ago


4 months ago


North Northamptonshire Council  invites quotations for the provision of a Local Economic Growth Strategy 2025-2030.  This will outline the Council's approach to supporting economic growth locally covering direct action and delivery, policy setting, commissioning, enabling, collaboration, and other activities.

The Council adopted a Corporate Plan in 2021, with a vision for North Northamptonshire as 'a place where everyone has the best opportunities and quality of life'.

The aims of this commission are to outline the Council's approach to supporting economic growth locally covering direct action and delivery, policy setting, commissioning, enabling, collaboration, and other activities.

The North Northamptonshire Economic Growth Strategy 2025-2030 should have a time horizon that looks towards 2050 but priorities and actions should focus on the period to 2030. The target audience will be local stakeholders (inc. businesses, voluntary and community sector, councils, wider public sector, other interest groups), potential investors, and government.

Words and principles should be translated into tangible actions.  This means setting clear and deliverable priorities that are evidence-based, command support and which make a real difference to achieving a greener, stronger, and fairer economy.  Action should be tailored to our diverse places, including towns, rural areas, and industrial centres.  The work should capitalise on a strong culture of partnership across organisations in the public, private, and voluntary and community sectors in the area.  
The strategy should include well designed, high quality and long-term approaches and solutions that stand the test of time and enable us to withstand and bounce back from challenges.   

The strategy should aim high, seek to seize opportunities, and rise to challenges quickly, and target world class in key areas where our assets and vision align.  A flexible and entrepreneurial approach should help us learn from experience, look ahead, and adapt and respond quickly when needed. Through integrating with health, well-being and environmental plans and goals, the strategy should make creative links across issues and opportunities and forge shared solutions.

The attached Request for Quotation document sets out the requirements and includes all of the details to apply.



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