SOL- Solihull Specialist Smoking Cessation Service 2024
- Miscellaneous health services
- award
Submission Deadline
8 months ago
5 months ago
Solihull MBC is seeking to procure a Specialist Stop Smoking Service. This tender opportunity falls under The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 (PSR). Solihull recognises the value of providing a local specialist smoking cessation service, and the Specification sets out the requirements for a new community based Public Health Service. The aim of the Service is to improve service provision for best value, realise innovative solutions to reach target communities through best practice approaches and wider system collaboration. The Service will play a pivotal role in supporting delivery of the national Smoke Free 2030 objective, through reducing Solihull's smoking prevalence rates year on year, to achieve a 5% or less prevalence rate across all community cohorts. The current smoking prevalence rate for the borough is 10.6%, although this is above the England average, we have above average rates for specific community groups. The new Service being sought will be partially funded through new investment from Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), and therefore will be required to have both the capability and capacity to work in accordance with grant OHID conditions. Please refer to '08 Schedule 1 Specification SOL-18741 vFinal' for further details.The initial term of the Contract will be for the period of five years from commencement but may be extended by mutual agreement by any increment of up to two further years to an expiry date no later than 31st August 2031. Any modifications to the contract will be in accordance PSR Regulations 2023.There is a maximum budget for year 1 of £322,250.00. The tender will be evaluated against Quality, Price , and Social Value criteria, and a minimum financial turnover threshold applies. Please refer to the tender documents for further information. Additional information: This tender opportunity falls under The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 (PSR).
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