CEFAS24-70 ITT for the analysis of seabed imagery (still images and video)






  • Analysis services


  • tender

Submission Deadline

4 days from now


3 weeks ago


The Marine Protected Area (MPA) monitoring programme is funded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and through this programme, Cefas co-ordinates some of the evidence collection for the monitoring of MPAs in English waters. 

Cefas wish to commission a contract for the analysis of imagery collected from two sites in the English Channel in 2023 and 2024. These surveys covered Wight-Barfleur Reef Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Offshore Brighton Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) respectively, which both contain similar seabed conditions and sediment types. 

The supplier is required to undertake the analysis of seabed imagery (still images and videos) collected on the CEND1723 survey by drop frame camera (DC) at WBRF SAC, as well as DC video data collected on the CEND0524 survey at OBRG MCZ:

•	54 stations were sampled at WBRF SAC using a triplicate transect approach, acquiring 4449 images of sufficient quality for analysis and 18 hours 39 minutes of video. 
•	Six stations were sampled with drop camera in a single transect for ground truthing purposes at OBRG MCZ, with one station being sampled in triplicate, totalling nine videos. Overall 3 hours and 3 minutes of video were acquired. 

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Published 1 week ago

CEFAS24-126 RFQ for Genotype-by-sequencing approach of Colossal Squid

Cefas is currently undertaking a population genetics assessment on colossal squid. Cefas is seeking a supplier to sequence rare samples using a genotype-by-sequencing (GBS) approach. Tissue samples (mainly tentacles) have been collected from various regions across the globe. The samples themselves are in two types of preservative, depending on the institutes which collected the samples; ethanol and formaldehyde. Cefas is aware that there is a multitude of genotype-by-sequencing approaches, some using propriety technology and some not. We are seeking applications which offer a GBS approach that maximises SNP identification and coverage to allow Cefas explore population structure. Additionally, suppliers must have a comprehensive DNA extraction step to compensate for varying levels of sample preservation. Due to the scarcity of these animals, we have 33 samples but we expect samples to be run in duplicate at an average coverage of x30 depth for each duplicated sample. Requirement: To aid with the above project, Cefas require DNA extraction of squid tissues in ethanol (31) and formaldehyde (2). Assessment of DNA quantity and quality (see 'Deliverables' sections) will need to be completed and discussed with Cefas before genotype-by-sequencing of squid samples begins. Cefas are seeking the highest sequencing coverage possible to compensate for minimum samples sizes. Therefore, suppliers are asked to provide a cost per individual sample (n=66, in total). The colossal squid currently has no reference genome. For the benefit of potential suppliers considering which restriction enzymes to use, we supply the following genome information of two closely related species; Estimate genome size = 3.2 Gb (2.74-3.67 Gb) (based on two species, Eupyrmna scolopes and Doryteuthis pleii) GoaT (genomehubs.org). Due to the rarity of samples, we will require the supplier to duplicate extraction of DNA, testing of DNA quality/quantity and genotype-by-sequencing per sample. All samples have been obtained and are ready to be sent as soon as the Contract is finalised. Deliverables: • DNA Quality Control report (i.e. pass/fail based on DNA concentration and DNA quality) supplied to Cefas before genotype-by-sequencing commences. • Genotype-by-sequencing providing SNPS with an average of 30x depth. • Quality control report of genotype-by-sequencing to ensure desired coverage. • Sequencing files to be provided in compressed fastq format. • All results must be received by 1st December 2024. ; Download the Bidder Pack at https://defra-family.force.com/s/Welcome and search for CEFAS24-126 under opportunities.


Published 1 week ago

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