Train Control Systems Framework





  • Railway signalling works
  • Electrical signalling equipment for railways
  • Electrical installations for railways
  • Railway points
  • Signalling equipment
  • Train-monitoring system
  • Installation of signalling equipment
  • Engineering design services
  • Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment
  • Repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment
  • Maintenance and repair of data network equipment
  • Maintenance and repair of information technology equipment
  • System maintenance services
  • Maintenance services of telecommunications equipment


  • award
  • contract


5 months ago


Network Rail is responsible for maintaining, developing and operating Great Britain's (GB) railway infrastructure.Network Rail is an arm's length government owned company, whose capital investments are constrained by, and contribute to, the Public Sector Borrowing Requirement. Network Rail needs to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its capital spend programmes.
NR recognises the opportunity afforded by signalling and is significantly investing in both conventional and digital signalling systems, with a significant programme of work being set out over the next two Control Periods (CP7 (from April 2024 to March 2029) / CP8 (April 2029 to March 2034)).Network Rail is committed to procuring signalling in a different way to drive benefits for the taxpayer, signalling market and wider UK.
The current national signalling workbank shows a significant pipeline across European Train Control System (ETCS) or related technologies and Conventional technologies through CP7 and CP8. Whilst a proportion of the Conventional signalling renewals in CP7 will be covered by existing frameworks, these expire during CP7. There is therefore a need for a new contracting route for Conventional signalling and ETCS signalling which will be used by NR's regions in support of their multi-disciplinary project and programme delivery plans.
Through this contract award NR has established a national Train Control System Frameworks (TCS Frameworks) for the delivery of major train control works and renewals to be delivered on the existing rail network comprising two lots:
Lot 1: TCS Framework - Conventional: Conventional signalling (either conventional or related technologies). Framework Suppliers will be required to provide a range of works and/or services covering design and build.
Lot 2: TCS Framework - Digital: Digital signalling (either ETCS or related technologies). Framework Suppliers will be required to provide a range of works and/or services covering design, build and ETCS maintenance support.
An indicative workbank for each Lot is provided for information only purposes as part of the procurement documents.
The TCSF frameworks will each have a duration of 10-years with an estimated value of approximately £4bn across both Lots.
Network Rail’s approach looks to create long-term, national collaborative relationships with suppliers. Network Rail intends to use the 10-year duration of these frameworks to build strategic longer-term collaborative relationships with suppliers, and with a strong focus on technology development and pipeline visibility.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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This notice is published to advertise an upcoming procurement event led by National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (NGET) for a new High Voltage (HV) Cable Tunnel EPC Framework. A Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) will be issued on or around 11 February 2025 via the Achilles platform (a qualification system established and operated under the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016). All Economic Operators interested in the opportunity must be registered on one of the following UVDB Achilles codes by 10 February 2025: 3.7.5 Underground Mains Cable - 200kV & above 4.1.7 Tunnelling and Shafts Turnkey To register on Achilles UVDB Silver+ Subscription, please go to the following link (note that a subscription fee applies): NGET intends to issue a PQQ via Achilles. Economic Operators must be registered with Achilles to participate in this process. For Economic Operators who may wish to participate in the procurement event as a joint venture (JV), all members of the proposed JV must be registered individually with Achilles. Failure to register with Achilles as set out above will result in exclusion from further participation in the procurement process. Furthermore, in order to be eligible to be appointed, Economic Operators (including where relevant, individual members of any proposed JV) must attain Achilles Verify through a category B2 audit process by Framework award, which is currently forecast for March 2026.

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