Community Diagnostic Centre Services - Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire





  • Hospital and related services
  • Medical hospital services
  • Medical specialist services
  • Services provided by nurses
  • Medical imaging services


  • award
  • contract


5 months ago


Community Diagnostic Centre services - Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire.
Community diagnostic centre (CDC) services will provide a broad range of elective diagnostics (including checks, scans and tests) with the aim of improving access for patients to diagnostic testing in a timely manner.
The main objectives of the CDC service provision are:
•	To improve population health outcomes by improving access and reducing waiting times to diagnostic testing;
•	To increase diagnostic capacity;
•	To improve productivity and efficiency of diagnostic activity;
•	To contribute to reducing health inequalities;
•	To deliver a better, more personalised, diagnostic experience for patients;
•	To support integration of care across primary, secondary and community care.
Activity includes Imaging (CT, MRI, x-ray), endoscopy (gastroscopy, flex sigmoidoscopy), physiological measurements (echocardiography, spirometry), bone density (DEXA) and pathology (phlebotomy and point of care testing).
Community Diagnostic Centre Services are evolving in line with healthcare policy developments, as such future service provision will be aligned to any nationally mandated service requirements.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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