24020 RECAP Dry Mixed Recyclate Bulking






  • Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services


  • award

Submission Deadline

8 months ago


6 months ago


The Cambridgeshire Waste Collection Authorities collect dry mixed recycling from domestic and commercial premises across Cambridgeshire. This tender is to provide suitably located and permitted transfer stations for accepting the delivery, weighing, storage and bulking for onward transport, of this mixed dry recycling. The onward transport is an element of a separate procurement. This transport will be coordinated such that materials are moved from each transfer site at a suitable frequency.\r
The RECAP Councils have worked collaboratively for many years in the delivery of DMR across Cambridgeshire. That collaboration continues for this procurement. The procurement itself is being conducted as a single procurement, but with the award of contract being in the form of separate Lots, as described in more detail in this ITT. The Lots are presented as alternative Lots (by reference to size), to enable the Councils to seek the broadest possible market response. ?This means that an award will not be made for every Lot. This is described in more detail in 'Lotting Guidance' within the ITT.\r
The RECAP Councils will make the decision collectively as to which Lots to award and to which bidders. Following award, the ensuing contracts will either be concluded with an individual Council or a number of them, depending upon which Lots have been chosen as the best value for money.\r
Notwithstanding, the separate Contracts, the Councils are committed to sharing the per tonne costs equally across Cambridgeshire and to manage the contracts on a collective basis. They have committed to concluding an Inter Authority Agreement (IAA) to facilitate this arrangement. ?The joint contract management arrangements will be reflected in each of the contracts, but otherwise, the IAA not be affect the contractual position of each successful bidder, whose rights and obligations will be governed solely by the Contract it has with the individual Council or number of Councils, as the case may be.\r
The Authorities look to secure this Bulking Service in a set of individual locations across Cambridgeshire with suitable proximity to existing collections and/or depots with the aim of reducing unnecessary travel.\r
For the avoidance of doubt, bids are welcome from contractors who can provide one or more sites with capacity in any one or more of the geographical areas identified in the specification. As such the Authorities welcome bids for any one or more or all the lots available.\r
Potential Providers will need to register an account via the Procontract Portal at https://procontract.due-north.com/Register before being able to view the full tender details.\r
In order to access the tender documentation, click Find Opportunities then on the drop-down menu, filter by Cambridgeshire Public Services by clicking on Update to find the relevant opportunity or alternatively within the organisations drop down select Cambridgeshire County Council to also find the relevant opportunity.



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