PCI_B1_111 North Whiteley Travel Plan
- Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
- award
Submission Deadline
10 months ago
6 months ago
A call-off from Lot B1 of the Place, Connectivity & Infrastructure Professional Services Framework 2022-2026 (Published 4 March 2022). A planning condition has been placed on the North Whiteley development to complete a Full Travel Plan, based on the original Framework Travel Plan. An additional resource is required to write this travel plan, supported by our own Hampshire Services' Travel Planning Team (HSTPT) The Consultant will produce a Full Residential Travel Plan that will meet the requirements of HCC's newly emerging Travel Plan Guidance. This will include incorporation of the results of the recent residential survey and make reference to the travel plans of local schools. A costed action plan that is realistic to deliver within the budget is also required as part of the travel plan document.
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