Marginalised and Vulnerable Contract





  • Health services


  • award
  • contract


6 months ago


The service provides an initial health assessment and subsequent access to mainstream services for marginalised and vulnerable adults such as Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers; homeless people, Gypsies and Travellers, Sex Workers, and Ex-offenders/Offenders. To deliver a culturally aware, culturally sensitive service and culturally competent service that demonstrates appropriate behaviours, attitudes, policies, processes and structures which enable effective working across marginalised and vulnerable communities.  Sharing knowledge and expertise regarding cultural competence across the system.
To support and assist marginalised and vulnerable adults to overcome barriers in accessing mainstream services including Integrated Neighbourhood Areas (e.g. Connect), providing advocacy, client support, staff training and partnership working to remove barriers which reduce access to primary and secondary services. Provide initial urgent care and support as required. To work collaboratively with GP Practices and support new registrations from the highlighted groups and ensure people with complex needs are supported flexibly depending on need. Ensure liaison and working with partner agencies to provide an integrated approach to the health and social care needs of MVA and avoid service duplication, including substance misuse services. 
The service shall be required to be flexible and take into account the changing evidence base in order to maintain best practice and provide high service.  The service shall continuously measure improved outcomes for service users, and, through memorandums of understanding with other providers across the system, be able to clearly describe where service users have been on their pathway.



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  • Contract Agreement

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  • Award Notice

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