London Inclusion Charter Researcher






  • Research and development services and related consultancy services


  • award

Submission Deadline

1 year ago


6 months ago


London Inclusion Charter Researcher- 

Working in education is a key priority for London's Violence Reduction Unit (VRU).  

The VRU are working with the education community across London to develop 'London's Inclusion Charter'. The London Inclusion Charter is built around the voice of children and young people and informed by parents and carers, schools, education specialists and local authorities. The Charter seeks to galvanize action to fully support and prioritise inclusive practices and tackle stark disproportionalities seen in school exclusion and focus on equitable practices in areas such as school curriculums and anti-racism.

Work towards London's Inclusion Charter will include shining a light on promising practice, celebrating inclusion and recognising that working in partnership to tackle all forms of exclusion, including absenteeism, suspension and managed moves, must go hand in hand with increasing young people's feelings of safety so that they can thrive. The Charter is backed up by investment in schools and in London's teachers, building on their commitment and dedication to supporting children and young people following the challenges presented by the pandemic.

The VRU is now looking to commission a qualitative research piece to further develop and contextualise the Inclusion Charter, ensuring the voice of young people and their experience, and professional expertise remains central to the final product.

The specific aims of the research will be to: 
a.	ascertain what children and young people want and need from education to feel safe, a sense of belonging, valued, where they can thrive and reach their potential;
b.	Identify what senior education leaders and frontline practitioners would need to help them to be more inclusive, exploring challenges and solutions;
c.	test and contextualise the key principles for inclusive education with key stakeholders.

Additional information: This work has a maximum value of £70,000 ex VAT. Additionally the VRU will be providing a financial incentive to the schools contributing to the research (which the provider will be tasked with administering to the schools).

Please request tender documentation by emailing [email protected]. Please use the subject 'Inclusion Charter Researcher' when making your request.

You must email your completed tender response to: [email protected]. The tender submission deadline is 12:00pm on 25 September 2023.



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  • Contract Agreement

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  • Award Notice

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