Mayespark Primary School - Hatchside SEND Facility
- Construction work
- award
Submission Deadline
9 months ago
7 months ago
London Borough of Redbridge \r The proposed scope of the procurement is as follows:\r \r The Phase 1 works inclusive of the Annex building remodelling/refurbishment, external works with the creation of new soft and hard landscaping elements, Courtyard extension to Mayespark Primary School and site wide compensation works. \r \r The initial phase of the project will involve the remodelling of the Annex building, located at Mayespark Primary School to provide several new classrooms, ancillary areas, and platform lift. \r \r External areas to be adapted/redeveloped to provide a secure recreational play space. New fencing and automated gates will be installed to the existing driveway associated with the Annex building. A new secure designated walkway will be established to the northeast boundary of the site, providing access from Goodmayes Lane to the main school building. \r \r In addition to the above, the scheme will require existing classrooms and group rooms within the main school building to be remodeled and refurbished. An extension will need to be formed within the courtyard area to accommodate the pupils who currently occupy the Annex building. \r \r Further sitewide improvement works will be required as part of the overall scheme, consisting of but not limited to, new fascia, soffit and guttering to the main building, redecoration of first floor classrooms and circulation areas within the main building, fanlight window replacement, installation of PV array, and lining marking to the existing staff car park.\r \r The project will be undertaken in a single phase. \r
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