Best Interest Assessors and Section 12 Assessors Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)
- Health and social work services
- tender
Submission Deadline
3 years from now
8 months ago
Bedford Borough Council ('the Authority') is inviting Applications from Best Interest Assessors (BIAs) and Section 12 Assessors to provide specialist assessments for adults on an ad hoc basis and in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty in Bedford Borough. The Authority will enter into the Contract with multiple successful Bidders appointed through the Ps DPS. The Contract will be for three (3) years, with an option to extend for a further 12 months. Additional information: To access this opportunity, you will need to Register an account with Bedford Borough Council's In-tend at and search for this opportunity by the title of project reference: Best Interest Assessors and Section 12 Assessors Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) (Project reference is BBC AD 03640) The Authority is setting up a Pseudo DPS (Ps DPS) under the Light Touch Regime. Bids will continue to be accepted within the lifetime of the Ps DPS unless a decision has been made to end the Ps DPS in which case notice will be given. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No
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