the Hillingdon Adult Substance Misuse, Treatment and Recovery Service and the Hillingdon Smoking Cessation Service
- Health services
- award
- contract
8 months ago
The Public Health Department of London Borough of Hilllingdon has awarded a contract to a provider to deliver Lot 1 - the Hillingdon Adult Substance Misuse, Treatment and Recovery Service; and Lot 2 - the Hillingdon Smoking Cessation Service Hillingdon's Objectives In Hillingdon our intention is to commission substance misuse services that have ‘harm reduction’ as a principle aim and ‘recovery’ as a desirable and achievable outcome. In Hillingdon our goal is to reduce smoking prevalence in each of the priority groups, with a general overall population level reduction in smoking prevalence across Hillingdon and Improvement relative to London and England. The Contract term is for 5 years with optional extensions of 2 + 2 years This notice reflects the value of a potential 9 year contract
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