Passenger Transport Dynamic Purchasing System
- Special-purpose road passenger-transport services
- Non-scheduled passenger transport
- Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- award
- contract
8 months ago
The Passenger Transport DPS covers three areas of required across the Council, including home to school transport for SEND children, ad hoc and scheduled taxi services for children and adults under the Children and Families (CFS) and Adult Social Care (ASC) departments, plus mini bus and coach hire services for ad hoc journeys within Hackney Education. The categories are the following: - Category 1 - Home to school transport for SEND children and young people (with and without the passenger assistant requirement) - Minibuses, People Carriers and/ or Taxis. Category 2 - Ad-hoc journeys (may include some repeat bookings) for service users to meet assessed need (with and without the passenger assistant requirement). Category 3 - Minibus and Coach Hire Services for Ad-hoc Journeys. The opportunity is for 48 months with a 12 month extension with routes being awarded on Call Offs. Passenger transport services are required for vulnerable children and young people and adults to provide them safe and secure transportation.
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