220_24 De-Icing Salt & Associated Products/Services



Renewal of a national framework for the bulk supply of highway de-icing salt & associated products/services. The framework has a large national customer base and is intended to meet the requirements of local authorities, relevant highways organisations and other eligible customers.

Lot 1 - Supply & delivery of bulk 6mm & 10mm brown salt
Lot 2 - Supply & delivery of bulk 6mm white marine salt
Lot 3 - Supply & delivery of pure dried vacuum (PDV) salt
Lot 4A - Supply & delivery of brown & white bagged salt (various sizes) - National Direct Supply
Lot 4B - Supply & delivery of brown & white bagged salt (various sizes) - ESPO Catalogue/Warehouse Supply
Lot 5 - Other de-icing products

ESPO shall monitor the financial stability of the awarded suppliers during the framework period by reference to credit rating agency reports. Where the credit rating/score on Creditsafe significantly differs (downwards) to that when the tenderer was first awarded to the framework, or goes below 30, this will indicate risk and will require investigation with their position on the framework being subject to consideration.

Additional information: As a Central Purchasing Body as defined in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, the Framework Agreement is open for use by Public Bodies (defined at https://www.espo.org/amfile/file/download/file/9608/) that also fall into one of the following classifications of user throughout all administrative regions of the UK: Local Authorities; Educational Establishments (including Academies); Central Government Departments and Agencies; Police, Fire & Rescue and Coastguard Emergency Services; NHS and HSC Bodies, including Ambulance Services; Registered Charities; Registered Social Landlords; The Corporate Office of the House of Lords, The Corporate Officer of the House of Commons; or any public body established by or under the Scotland Act 1998 or any Act of the Scottish Parliament. Details of the classification of end user establishments and geographical areas are available at: https://www.espo.org/legal.

ESPO has established a commercial trading company, ESPO Trading Limited, whose target clients are third sector organisations such as national and local charities, public sector mutual organisations and other organisations involved in the delivery of services to or for the public sector. The successful Supplier may be asked to enter into an additional separate framework agreement (the Second Framework) with ESPO Trading Limited on materially similar terms to that found in the tender pack to be entered into by ESPO itself.

Any Second Framework agreement will be a purely commercial agreement and will, for the avoidance of doubt, not be governed by the Public Contract Regulations 2015 or other public procurement legislation. ESPO Trading Limited may enter into the second framework agreement with the successful supplier and make it available to third sector clients who themselves are not required to follow the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 or other public procurement legislation. Accordingly, this is provided for bidders information only.

An eAuction process may be used to award subsequent call off contracts following the reopening of competition among the parties to the Framework Agreement.



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