GGC0861 Youth Mental Health Improvement Services






  • Provision of services to the community


  • award
  • contract


9 months ago


The service is a holistic service available to young people (aged 12-19) who live in Glasgow City, which adopts an early intervention prevention approach, with the aim of improving longer term trajectories for its target audience.
Services are currently available in 9 venues across Glasgow City, though this could increase should additional investment become available. It is held in the evenings from 6:00- 9:30pm Mondays through to Thursdays. The service is co-delivered by statutory and non-statutory organisations. Counselling and Multiple Risk components of the GCYHS are commissioned. Both are key interventions in support for young people. Counsellors are an integral part of the Multi-disciplinary delivery team on the night. Young people can also have access 1:1 consultations from the Nurse, GP, or Multiple Risk Worker. Young people can expect support with their mental health, sexual health, risk taking, weight management and relationships as well as support around housing or financial inclusion.
The nursing team also provides comprehensive “wrap around” support out with service delivery times to address the wider issues that impact on young people’s health and wellbeing, liaising and referring onwards to secure the right support such as mentoring, advocacy or employability. As part of the care plan for a young person, where required, support for parents will be also be sourced to ensure best outcomes for the family overall.



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