Land Facility Decision Support Unit





  • Foreign affairs and other services


  • award

Submission Deadline

1 year ago


8 months ago


The DSU will run for the duration of the LF programme, initially for 7 years broadly covering the same countries in which the LF is operational.
Specific objectives of the DSU are:
1. to support evidence-based, outcome-oriented and VfM-driven decision-making by FCDO and the LF Lead Supplier throughout the inception phase and implementation;
2. to support and enhance effective programme learning and programmatic action in
response to that learning;
3. to support and undertake targeted global dissemination based on a joint communications strategy.
The supplier contract will be up to 7 years, subject to break clauses and resource availability.
The total initial budget and contract value for the services to be delivered under this contract is up to £4.5m (inclusive of all applicable taxes).
i. A further £1.5m may become available during the initial contract period, subject to further approvals;
ii. An additional £2m scale up option will also be available - subject to a business case addendum should the programme have a strong impact and potential to yield better results.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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