The Provision of Design and Build Services for a modern and secure LAN, WLAN infrastructure for the Campus, Halls of Residence and Data Centre using a capital funded refresh approach





  • Networking, Internet and intranet software development services
  • Local area network
  • Network equipment
  • Wide area network
  • Networking, Internet and intranet software package
  • Network servers


  • award
  • contract


8 months ago


The University of Southampton has a vision to be a top 10 UK university and digital services are considered to be an enabler in assisting the University to achieve this goal. A high capacity, high availability network that is secure and is architected in a way that delivers optimal data services to researchers, students and administrator is critical.
For students residing in the University's Halls of residence, the quality of the in-room network services is an essential component of their day-to-day experience at the University of Southampton.
The Network Transformation Programme will disrupt the cycle of infrequent capital-intensive network replacements driven by failing and end-of-life infrastructure, and establish a forward-looking, agile, and responsive business-aligned network environment which can be adapted and sustained to support changing business needs through both the short- and long-term planning horizons.
The Project will replace all end-of-life wired and wireless network infrastructure, at the various layers - core, distribution, access. The scope will include all permanently connected campuses and smaller sites in the local region (includes academic campuses, sport facilities, data centres and halls of residence), focusing on internal and external spaces. The project will engage strongly with the 10-year building programme. 
There is however more to this programme than simply replacing hardware. The scope will include the ongoing development of features and capabilities required to deliver the listed objectives, along with other user-orientated or device-orientated journeys required from a modern 'smart' campus network.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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