The Provision of services for the Receipt, storage, bulking and transfer of Municipal Waste
- Refuse transport services
- Household-refuse collection services
- Refuse and waste related services
- Refuse-collection vehicles
- award
- contract
9 months ago
The Authority invites tenders for the short term provision of services relating to the acceptance, storage and bulk transfer of mixed residual waste from the Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council area to a nominated delivery point in the Mallusk area of Northern Ireland. Due to the nature of the Councils requirements there is a geographical area within which point of deposit for the Council waste must fall (this is detailed in the contract documents). In the event that the Contract is extended it is likely that the delivery point will change and there is also the possibility but no guarantee, that other material streams may also be included within its scope. The appointed Contractor will also be responsible for collating and reporting data and reporting performance relevant to the Contract.
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