1047 Tree Watering and Maintenance
- Tree pruning
- award
Submission Deadline
11 months ago
9 months ago
Essex County Council's tree planting project, the Essex Forest Initiative (EFI) is looking to procure a contractor to water 1584 urban standard trees across the county as part of the delivery of climate and environmental benefits for people and wildlife. \r \r Essex County Council is seeking a contractor with the capacity to water and maintain 1584 trees across the county. The requirement is for the watering of 50 litres of water to be applied to each tree (227 in irrigation bags, 30 direct application to the ground, 1327 using irrigation wells), each week through May - September (total of 20 visits per tree). The requirement for the maintenance is to carry out necessary formative pruning, replace any damaged stakes/ties, top up mulch where required and report any damage to the trees.\r \r Your ITT submission must be submitted to the Authority electronically by publishing through this ITT DN710718 1047 Tree Watering and Maintenance at https://procontract.due-north.com/Login\r • Not later than 12 noon hours on 20th March 2024.\r • It is the Authority's policy to reject any tenders received after the above deadline.\r \r
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