Two Year Common Close Cleaning Contract with Optional 1+1+1 Year Annual Extensions up to a maximum contract duration of Five Years
- Cleaning services
- Accommodation, building and window cleaning services
- award
- contract
9 months ago
The Contract applies to tenement stairs, common close and deck access cleaning to closes belonging to Paisley Housing Association within Foxbar, South, Town Centre & West End areas of Paisley, Renfrewshire. (See tender Document 1 ‘Property Address List’). The Contract term will be for an initial two year period with optional annual 1 year + 1 year + 1 Year extensions up to a maximum contract duration of five years overall. The decision to award the contract extensions will be at the discretion of Paisley Housing Association and will be on the basis of one year increments. Bidders should note that the list of properties and scope of works required to be carried out may increase or decrease during the contract period. Bidders are also advised that Paisley Housing Association may extend the Contract to additional locations throughout Foxbar, South, Town Centre & West End areas of Paisley to take account of any changes to requirements or new stock acquired during the Contract. This service will commence on 1st April 2024 and will be provided on a weekly basis, unless otherwise stated within the close cleaning schedule specification (refer Tender Document 2 ‘Close Cleaning Specification’).
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