To supply a managed service for street marshals





  • Security services


  • tender

Submission Deadline

8 months ago


9 months ago


To supply a managed service for street marshals from August 2024 through to July 2025. 

The street marshals will be responsible for creating a safe, friendly and welcoming place for people to shop and spend time in, improving the safety and security of the town centre.   Safer towns will lend itself to increased footfall and more potential business for local retailers. 

The safe streets will entice people to venture out and explore the area, providing a boost to the local economy and improve investment opportunities.

The role of the street marshal will be to assist where possible, approach groups of people to ensure all is well and to be that helping hand, you'll be required to engage with local businesses and identify hotspots of ASB issues and have an increased presence to deter ASB issues.  

Street marshals will look to work with a range of town centre users, this will include businesses, residents, visitors, community groups, street performers, buskers and street traders, the local policing team to ensure that the town maintains a safe and secure environment for all to prosper and grow.  

Street marshals could have certification, licenses and training in the following; 
•	SIA 				
•	Conflict management 		
•	Physical intervention		
•	Safeguarding children
•	Vulnerable adult protection 
•	Welfare and vulnerability engagement
•	"Ask for Angela"
•	Anti-racism / LGBTQA+
•	First Aid
•	Prevention of violence against women and girls. 

Supporting Local Business Communications: Street marshals will support the town centre businesses by allowing the businesses to report town centre issues, via the marshals ranging from verbal abuse, shoplifting and more serious crime towards businesses via the radio link system.  

Street marshals can help in the following ways; 
•	To provide reassurance by having a physical presence
•	Be the eyes and ears on the ground to provide accurate and detailed intelligence.
•	Educate members of littering and dog fouling and to help preserve the environment.
•	Deterring conspiracy to commit a crime.
•	Act as point of contact for enquiries and help and support visitors when needed. 
•	Support vulnerable people.
•	Act as a professional witness.
•	A point of contact for businesses to assist with reporting crime and other ASB issues. 
•	Carry out any initiatives that derive from the Town Council. 

A full specfication can be found below; 

Tenders may be submitted in a sealed envelope marked 
'Tender - ASB, Operations and Events Manager, Taunton Town Council, Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton TA1 1HE. Tenders by post or by email must be received by 5pm on 30 May 2024
Tenders received after 5pm on 30 May 2024 will not be considered.



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