CH212289 Hostel's Security
- Public security services
- award
- contract
8 months ago
The services required by this contract include:<br/>This award notice is for the provision of Hostel Security in London Borough of Ealing. Ealing Council has sought an experienced security provider, MPD FM Ltd to deliver the proposed contract.<br/>The Council’s Hostel Team spends circa £80,000 per annum on security services. Additionally, the Team requires the provision of ad hoc security services when a particular problem or need arises to support the overall Team service. The Council is looking for efficiencies and innovation to make best use of this budget. The contract will commence around Mid-February 2024 and will be for three (3) years, with two possibilities of one (1) year extension. Total value approximately £400,000 over 5 years (if extensions used).<br/><br/>The Pricing Schedule asks Tenderers to submit a breakdown of their budget to show efficiencies, innovation and value for money.<br/><br/>Service Model <br/><br/>Ealing Council has statutory responsibilities to provide residents with advice and information on available housing options. This can include the Council providing temporary accommodation to residents whilst a longer-term housing option is sought. The Council’s Hostel Team provides the housing management services to about 400 units of accommodation and as part of the service provided, has an outsourced security service which visits the hostels on a rota basis out of normal working hours and at weekends. <br/><br/>Our aim is to provide stable and secure accommodation provision for residents who have experienced homelessness, and the security service will enhance the existing Hostel Team service to provide support from trained experienced security staff whilst in such accommodation. <br/><br/>It is envisaged that the contract to be tendered will be a core and flexi contract with a commissioned block volume arrangement for existing hostels (visited on a rota basis), with an additional flexible element to allow the Council to request additional hours to meet expected and unexpected demands. <br/><br/>Full details of the services required can be found in Document Part C – Draft Specification.<br/><br/>It is intended that the contract shall be for an initial term of 3 years, with the option to extend for a further two further periods of one (1) year. The approximate annual value of the contract is in the circa £80,000 and the total value is approximately £400,000 over 5 years including any extension options, if applicable.
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