Deferred Prosecution Support Service
- Social work and related services
- Training programme services
- Health and social work services
- Social work services
- Community action programme
- award
- contract
10 months ago
Avon and Somerset is looking to introduce a new informal out of court resolution known as Deferred Prosecution for 18-24 year olds across the Avon and Somerset Police Service area. We are looking to commission a provider (s) who will provide the support needed to address an individual’s offending behaviour as part of the deferred prosecution scheme. Deferred prosecution is a form of informal out of court resolution where a person accused of committing an eligible crime is offered the opportunity to complete specified conditions (for example rehabilitative activity). If they complete the conditions, then the offence is recorded as no further action, and they do not receive a criminal record. If they fail to complete the conditions successfully, they can be prosecuted to court. Critically this scheme does not require an admission of guilt for an individual to be eligible (unlike other forms of court of court resolution.)
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