Camera Framework
- Television and radio receivers, and sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus
- Video transmission apparatus
- Closed-circuit television apparatus
- Closed-circuit television cameras
- Closed-circuit surveillance system
- GSM telephones
- Telecommunications network
- Telemetry surveillance system
- Surveillance boats
- Speed camera equipment
- Surveillance and security systems and devices
- Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance
- Cameras
- Cinematographic projectors
- Software package and information systems
- award
- contract
10 months ago
EEM Partner, Meta Procurement Ltd is undertaking a compliant UK tender exercise under the Open Procedure of the Public Contract Regulations (2015) to establish a national Framework Agreement for surveillance camera and video devices, associated software and ancillary products, services and solutions for a period of 4 years. The contractors shall provide products and services which contracting bodies can access through the Framework Agreement. The provision of surveillance camera and video devices, associated software and ancillary products, services and solutions is an indicative outline of our requirements and not exhaustive of the provision of data and capability required.
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