Sefton Council Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (PDPS) for Children and Young People Service
- Health and social work services
- award
- contract
10 months ago
Sefton Council requires to set up a Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (P.D.P.S.) for the provision of Children’s Residential Services. The reason the Council has opted to establish a P.D.P.S. is to enable the Council to remain in touch with this marketplace on a greater frequency than would be permissible under a Framework Agreement. Once established the Council intends to re-open the opportunity for any potential providers that may have either: a) joined this marketplace since the PDPS was established, or b) were in this marketplace when the PDPS was established, did not opt to bid at the time of formation, but have since developed an interest in providing services to the Council, or c) were in this marketplace when the PDPS was established and failed to gain a place on the PSPS. The Council reserves the right to re-open the DPS to any further potential Service Providers for approximately 2 weeks on each 12-month anniversary of the PDPS. The Council also reserves the right to open the PDPS to new applicants at any point in time during the lifetime of the PDPS if the need arises.
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