Long Term Plan for Smethwick





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5 months ago


Sandwell Council sought an experienced full-time consultancy firm to assist in driving forward the long-term Plan for Smethwick. It  envisaged that an appointment will be made in early 2024 to enable the consultancy to work with the council in readiness for the release of Capacity funding in Spring 2024. The proposed  commencement of work on this project is 01 April 2024 up to submission of the Long-Term Plan to Government by the 01 August 2024. The consultancy is to  project manage the process up to the submission of the long-term Plan for Smethwick to Government. Sandwell will be the accountable body for the funding.  To access the £20m of funds, the council are to produce a long-term investment and regeneration plan for Smethwick with the priorities of the Smethwick residents and businesses at the forefront of this vision over a ten-year period.



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