Supply and Delivery of Oriented Strand Board (OSB 3) with Off Cuts for West Midlands Fire and Rescue Authority Oldbury and Coventry Stations - AWARD






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Submission Deadline

11 months ago


10 months ago


West Midlands Fire & Rescue Authority has a requirements for supply and delivery of Formaldehyde free or low, Orient Strand Board (OSB 3),board size, 2440 x 1220 x 18mm to be cut as required and delivered to two locations (Oldbury and Coventry) for a 3 month period from 1st April 2024 to 30th June 2024, to include 5 sided polythene wrapping or similar and bearers, offcuts are required, all cut boards strapped and secured into bundles of x50 for delivery on pallets.  Sites have a Fork lift Truck to offload goods upon receipt. Supplier to inform Fire Service sites 24hrs before delivery. All sites offer training courses and delivery must fit in with these. 
      Deliveries are anticipated to be required monthly for the Oldbury Site and the Coventry Site.  Exact dates to be provided when known with delivery within 7 days.  
      Please refer to the appendices for the full specification.



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The Supply of Timber

Team Leidos are proud to be delivering the logistics commodities and services transformation (LCS(T)) Delivery partner contracts (LCS (T)/0001 dated 16.4.2015) on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence (the 'Prime Contract'). Delivery of other parts of the LCS(T) contract are delivered by Leidos Europe Ltd (LEL) and other partners (together 'Team Leidos'). This requirement is subject to the Public Procurement Regulations and respective advertising action. The General Supplies Team, which forms part of Leidos Supply Ltd is considering the potential requirement for the supply of Timber on behalf of the UK MOD, consisting of ome Lot: The total estimated value for this contract will be between £3,840,000 - £9,600,000, with a total contract length of 4 Years. If this is of further interest, please register on our eProcurement system, Jaggaer: Bidders will be able to register on the system, and once registered they can express their interest and complete their bid on there. Should Bidders have any queries regarding the system, please contact the support team on the front page of the Jaggaer website, where it says 'Need assistance?', for help. Any queries regarding the tender itself, as opposed to the system, should be directed through Jaggaer's messaging centre. Additional information: In April 2015 the MOD signed a thirteen year contract with Leidos Europe Ltd to provide the procurement and inventory management of commodity items (as well as the storage and distribution services) historically provided in-house by the Logistic Commodities and Services Operating Centre. Leidos, working with the MOD, will transform the way these services are delivered to ensure requirements continue to be met whilst providing best value for money for the department. The organisation delivering these services is known as Team Leidos. Team Leidos would like to make interested suppliers aware that it is inviting tenders for its supply and delivery of Timber. Leidos Supply Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos Europe Ltd, is undertaking this procurement as a subcontractor to Leidos Europe Ltd to meet a requirement of the UK Ministry of Defence pursuant to the logistics commodities and services transformation delivery partner contract (LCS(T)/0001 dated16.4.2015) between Leidos Europe Ltd and the UK Ministry of Defence. Please note all information provided to organisations or individuals that respond to this notice should be treated as Confidential, and not shared further without express written permission from Leidos Supply Ltd.

Leidos Supply

Published 3 weeks ago

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Tina Daniels

[email protected]

0121 380 6472

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